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2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
package main
import (
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
log ""
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
type TwitchChannels struct {
Data []*TwitchChannel `json:"data"`
Pagination *TwitchPagination `json:"pagination"`
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
type TwitchChannel struct {
BroadcasterID string `json:"broadcaster_id"`
BroadcasterLogin string `json:"broadcaster_login"`
BroadcasterName string `json:"broadcaster_name"`
BroadcasterLanguage string `json:"broadcaster_language"`
GameID string `json:"game_id"`
GameName string `json:"game_name"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Delay int `json:"delay"`
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
func getChannel(u *User) {
result := &TwitchChannels{}
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
after := ""
for {
client := twitchOauthConfig.Client(context.Background(), u.Token)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ""+u.ID+after, nil)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to create http request to get twitch streams data")
req.Header.Set("Client-ID", settings.ClientID)
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to get twitch stream data")
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
t := &TwitchChannels{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&t); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to parse twitch streams data")
if len(t.Data) == 0 {
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
result.Data = append(result.Data, t.Data...)
if t.Pagination == nil || t.Pagination.Cursor == "" {
after = "&after=" + t.Pagination.Cursor
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
if len(result.Data) < 1 {
2022-05-07 13:51:25 +02:00
log.Info("No channels")
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
2022-05-07 13:27:37 +02:00
if len(result.Data) > 0 {
u.TwitchChannel = result.Data[0]
2020-05-09 01:51:02 +02:00
func (c *TwitchChannel) SaveFiles() {
data, err := fieldsToMap(c)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to convert channel to map")
for k, v := range data {
saveContent("channel", k, v)